Tuesday, October 20, 2009

exulting in one's labors

Today I had 2 workouts. The first was at 7:40 am. I did 15 minutes on the bike, then 30 minutes of personal training. Now, the personal training is kind of like going to hell with a very nice person. This nice person hands you a jump rope and asks for 100 jumps. So I start jumping. After 20 jumps, I am gasping for breath like a fish. She smiles encouragingly and says, "you're at 20." I continue, tripping on my feet, catching the rope on my bun, at one point wrapping the rope like a figure 8 around my feet. She just keeps smiling at each stop, telling me how many jumps I've done. Are you seeing my point? Then we do something fairly easy, like laying flat on the floor and raising my body to a sitting position using only my abs. I'm just starting to "relax" when she hands me the 10 pound medicine ball and instructs me to lift it over my head while I sit up. And let's not forget, I'm paying this person. Now, I've pushed myself when I've worked out in the past. But I tend to give myself a nice big break. 20 bicep curls? Time to sit down, gulp some water, and feel self-congratulatory. But with the trainer, there is no time for self-congratulations (she does let me gulp water). By the time our half hour is up, I have no energy to feel smug and self-congratulatory. I'm merely thankful that my legs are carrying me to the car. Am I complaining? No, this is my choice and I'm glad I'm doing it. But wow, it is NOT rewarding, and I'm not getting addicted to working out, as some might expect. I'm sure in 3 months when I have a body of steel and can jump rope all the way around my neighborhood, I will feel smug and self-congratulatory. Just not now.
My second workout, however, was tremendously satisfying. I planted bulbs. Lots and lots of bulbs. And I transplanted some plants to a sunnier location so they will bloom next spring. I feel a huge sense of joy and anticipation, knowing that the 2 hours I spent grubbing in the dirt, levering out rocks, chopping up roots, ripping out weeds, will result in 6 months with beautiful tulips, daffodils, and other flowers.