Monday, September 27, 2010

Fun Song Title Challenge

Using only song names from ONE BAND OR ARTIST, answer these questions. Try not to repeat a song title.
My artist is Tori Amos

1. Are you male or female? Girl
2. Describe yourself: "The Beekeeper" and "Baker, Baker"
3. How do you feel about yourself? General Joy
4. Describe where you currently live: Dark Side of the Sun
5. If you could go anywhere, where would you go? "Maybe California," "Don't make me come to Vegas," and "Welcome to England."
6. Your favorite form of transportation: Bouncing Off Clouds
7. Your best friend is: God, Happy Phantom
8. Your favorite color is: Scarlet's Walk and Code Red
9. What's the weather like? Your Cloud
10. Favorite time of day: A Silent Night With You (The you being hubby Dale) or "In the Springtime of His Voodoo"
11. If your life were a TV show, what would it be called? Secret Spell
12. Describe your love life: Another Girl's Paradise and Little Earthquakes (haha)
13. What is life to you? Precious Things
14. What is the best advice you have to give? Police Me
15. If you could change your name, what would it be? Talula
16. Your favorite food is: Doughnut Song
17. Thought for the Day: You Can Bring Your Dog
18. How you would like to die: Putting the Damage On
19. Your soul's present condition: Fast Horse, Witness
20: Your motto: Pretty Good Year

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

blog secrets

There are times I don't post to this blog because I lack inspiration. There are other times when I have so much inspiration I could blog a book, but I can't because it's too private. The thing is, I'm just old school enough to remember that the Internet is forever. If I badmouth a person or a company, there can be consequences for YEARS.
I'm also married to a pretty private person. Although Dale is screamingly hilarious, he is reluctant to write blog posts (a loss to the world, I assure you). In addition, he prefers that I post nothing personal, which I respect.
All of which to say, I haven't posted recently. Maybe it's because I lack inspiration. Or maybe it's because I'm dealing with personal things. I'm just a woman of mystery...