Tuesday, September 30, 2008

random thoughts

New red patent leather clogs: SUPER AWESOME
Writing most of the day with no self-criticism: MIRACULOUS (and possibly related to above mentioned clogs)
The Bible is not an idol but we make it one
What's a good game to show inter-dependence?
Why do roaches keep coming inside?
Duchess is so adorable that if she weren't evil, she would be too precious to live
Can't wait to watch Fringe online tomorrow
Watching Xfiles season 2: CREEPY
Using oven from Grandmother's house: FUN
Maybe I belong in one of those "liberal" denominations after all...
I like to use RET, and I didn't even know it
TA's who take 18 days to give feedback while assignments are still being turned in and then give you poor grades and no chance to resubmit are really not that cool but I'm trying awfully hard to be Christ-like here...
Looks like tonight's gonna be a late night.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Call for submissions!

This is one of my favorite websites: http://icanhascheezburger.com/
I have this awesome picture of Pip that I think could go up on that website, but I need a funny caption. This is a call to all you comedians out there: submit a funny caption in your comment. The funniest caption will be submitted to the website with Pip's picture. I'll let you know if we get posted!

Monday, September 15, 2008

recharging the batteries

I had a meltdown last week. Too much stress. Very bad thing.
So, I absolved myself of at least 1 major responsibility, which relieved much immediate pressure. Then I started recharging. Friday morning I got all my homework completed by 10:00 am. Then I sat down and cross-stitched for 2 hours while ignoring the evil voice in my head screaming at me to BE PRODUCTIVE! Well, I almost ignored it. I did pay a few bills. Saturday was our women's retreat and I went and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I didn't allow myself to worry, stress, or control the event. Surprisingly, without my iron grasp of control over every little detail, the event still actually worked. Wow. It's like something else is actually controlling the world... Sunday I went to church, had a nice lunch with Dale, and then went to a concert with some friends. It was an Indigo Girls concert. It was AMAZING! We were on the main floor, up against the stage. I was 6 feet away from Amy and Emily. SIX FEET! I was able to see fillings in their mouths. It was just incredible. Imagine being 6 feet away from the singing duo you've adored for, oh, 14+ years! And for only $32! And in a smoke free venue! Sure, it was in Charlotte (sorry I didn't mention it, D&S, but we were in North Charlotte and came and went just for the concert), so we had about 6 hours of driving, but I used that time to nap. :)
All in all, I am beginning to feel human again. Like a real person. I can face my day of writing tomorrow, but only because I've recharged my very empty batteries.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Why vote?

I've already started hearing the resigned phrase, "Oh my vote doesn't matter, my state will be going _____ anyway." The idea being, I suppose, that if your state historically votes for the Barking Spider Party, then your Pyscho Kitty Party vote will be worthless and pointless. And I'm tired of this argument.
We do not vote because our individual vote will decide an election. And frankly, if an election did come down to 1 vote there would be numerous recounts and it would eventually come down to something like 200 to 20,000 votes. So, we don't vote because our 1 vote is going to elect a candidate. Even if we eliminated the Electoral College, 1 vote would still not decide an election.
So why do we vote? I read an intriguing article about this question a few years back. The author, Gene Weingarten, applied a principle of morality derived from Kant: the idea that an action is moral or immoral based on the impact if everyone did it. So, if everyone in America refused to vote, then the system would collapse. Therefore, not voting is immoral. If everyone in America did vote, then the system would work. Therefore, voting is moral. (The article was in the Washington Post magazine, sometime between 2004 and 2005).
In my own world, this is why we vote: We vote in order to validate the system of government we choose to live under. Our government is "by the people" and "for the people." Our vote says that yes, we are participating in government. Our vote says yes, despite the flaws of America, and even if my candidate doesn't win, I will participate in this system because I believe it is the best form of government out there.
I'm voting this year. Because my vote validates the entire system of US government. Because not voting is immoral. It's not about my vote determining the election: it's about my participation in the system, my voice in this government.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I discovered something today: it's all about momentum. As long as I was moving forward today, bravely writing and working on my self-assigned tasks, the meanie didn't get a chance to talk. Whenever I paused or slowed down, or took a breather, the meanie was right there, whispering in my ear, fluttering in my gut. Now I know why I like being in perpetual motion - so busy I don't have time for a break - it keeps the inner demons at bay.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our Barrel Runneth Over

So, Dale cleaned out the gutters yesterday in preparation for T.S. Hanna. And in the process, he discovered that one of our gutters was holding water, providing a breeding ground for greedy mosquitoes. (We knew it held water, but had not considered the implications for mosquitoes). So, rather than re-hang the gutter at a moment's notice, he drilled a hole in the middle of the gutter and placed a 55 gallon trash can underneath it. This was at 4:00 yesterday.
This morning we got up and checked the barrel. Here's a picture of it!
Notice the buckling at the bottom. The bubbles at the top are from the constant stream of water from the gutter. Wow!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Moses and me

I have the best support system ever! Just look at the comments from the previous post!
So I've decided to channel my creativity around this little mean voice by thinking about Moses. Moses was called by God and had a lot of excuses. God didn't really buy any of them. Which is good, because otherwise we might have been stuck with a great leader named something crazy like Mosiah. (Dale will get that Mormon joke).
Anyway, I'm creatively imagining myself in that story. And each day I'm going to give God one of my excellent excuses, all provided by the meanie. And I'll record God's answers. Once I've gotten through, I promise to write it up real pretty and post it here.
And I'm investigating the book recommendations made and looking at the Joy Diet, a good resource for this sort of thing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Shut Up, Meanie

Today is my "writing day." Which is probably why this is the day that the winners of the short-story contest were announced. I am not among them, although there are at least 50 of them.
So, I promised that the next time my artist-killing voice spoke up, I would let my inner artist speak. After the predictable spate of hate-filled hopelessness, I told the meanie to shut up and let the artist say a few words. They were not what I expected. And, in fact, I doubt them and doubt whether I should pay attention to them. But at least I was able to get the meanie to shut up for a few moments. Baby steps, I suppose.