Wednesday, September 1, 2010

blog secrets

There are times I don't post to this blog because I lack inspiration. There are other times when I have so much inspiration I could blog a book, but I can't because it's too private. The thing is, I'm just old school enough to remember that the Internet is forever. If I badmouth a person or a company, there can be consequences for YEARS.
I'm also married to a pretty private person. Although Dale is screamingly hilarious, he is reluctant to write blog posts (a loss to the world, I assure you). In addition, he prefers that I post nothing personal, which I respect.
All of which to say, I haven't posted recently. Maybe it's because I lack inspiration. Or maybe it's because I'm dealing with personal things. I'm just a woman of mystery...

1 comment:

Fran said...

A wise woman of mystery!