Monday, November 22, 2010

Being sick sucks

I've had a sore throat for about 2 weeks now. But as of Thursday, it's migrated into a full blown congestion cold. My throat is so swollen I can hardly stand swallowing and I have no voice. Seriously, my own mother didn't recognize me on the phone. Either I sound like a man, or I make weird squeaky noises. Oh, and I'm developing that awful reflex cough.
So there's my whine. I know that I am still better off than some obscene percentage of the world (in the 90's somewhere, I'm sure). After all, my only complaint is physical illness. But you know, it's really hard to focus on your blessings when your throat is demanding your full attention. Reminds me of Paul, talking about the Body of Christ. How hard it is to use the Body as a whole when one part is hurting.

Now that I've whined and gone all theological, I'll shut up. And yes, Mom, I'm calling my doctor tomorrow... :)

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