Monday, February 20, 2012

Amazing Race 20

Yes, this is the 20th season of the Amazing Race. Crazy! Dale and I have gotten sucked back in, so here are our thoughts about last night's episode.
The New Jersey dudes: OK, seriously, how do you even get ON the Amazing Race if you can't drive manual transmission? That's an insanely foolish handicap. Oh, and the question of the race is: will he maintain his fauxhawk? The Goths maintained their elaborate looks, so it can be done.
Pilot and heartland wife: Everyone will root for him because he's a hero, but if they are trying to reconcile there's gonna be serious drama.
Dating Divorcees: I like this woman for 2 reasons: she talked about her uterus being in her throat and she wanted to smash the empanada fillings into her face. Yep, that's my kind of gal.
Rednecks: Bopper calls empanadas pinata's. Mark tries to correct him and can't say it either. Hilarious. Although if Mark is going to get motion sickness every leg, they won't last long.
Border Patrol guys: Surprisingly unfit.
FBI gals: I wonder if they find it ironic that despite their impressive "masculine" talents, the final task of this week was a kitchen one. Hoping for great things out of this pair.
No one else is memorable to me yet. I felt bad for the sisters who were eliminated because of their inability to see Phil. That's a pretty epic fail.


David said...

The Jersey guys were only slightly more ridiculous than the Kentucky guys. Both played backstory scenes as a play for stereotypes. So many teams unfit. I laughed at the professional golfers describing themselves as athletes and was not sorry to see them go. The army guy and his wife clearly had something go wrong during his time apart, probably an affair, thought it is unclear yet which one cheated. I liked the clowns but they are not nearly as impressive as the last set of clowns that were on the show several years ago. I was surprised that the Big Brother "Ph.D. Student" would revert to lazy racism so early in the context. "Mexicans"? Really? What is your doctoral degree program in, garbology? It's unclear to me who to root for. I'd like to see them cast the characters from Downton Abbey, with one family member and one servant on each team. That would be awesome.

Fran said...

It was fun to watch, as always. I loved the expression on Phil's face as he watched the ditsy girls coming and then going! Couldn't feel much sympathy for them.

I was so empathetic with those who didn't want to sky dive! But it was good to see the most terrified one get herself together and jump. I was afraid we we going to have a situation Iike the silly girl who would not go down the water slide.

It is possible that the veteran came back a different man. Many do, and it will be interesting to see what comes with them.

I was struck by the racist remark also. And the lack of physical fitness. Remember the last winning team who had trained for a year? Looks like contestants would put some effort into that.

Lots of shots of the hen and chicks. Maybe the editors ere bored by some of the people.

Still, lots of fun to watch!

Fran said...

It was fun to watch, as always. I loved the expression on Phil's face as he watched the ditsy girls coming and then going! Couldn't feel much sympathy for them.

I was so empathetic with those who didn't want to sky dive! But it was good to see the most terrified one get herself together and jump. I was afraid we we going to have a situation Iike the silly girl who would not go down the water slide.

It is possible that the veteran came back a different man. Many do, and it will be interesting to see what comes with them.

I was struck by the racist remark also. And the lack of physical fitness. Remember the last winning team who had trained for a year? Looks like contestants would put some effort into that.

Lots of shots of the hen and chicks. Maybe the editors ere bored by some of the people.

Still, lots of fun to watch!

Elaine said...

Dale and I were struck by the fact that there are no models or actors in the cast! Just a lot of fairly gainfully employed people. Although there is that 1 musician...
I always dislike the first 2 episodes because there are too many teams and it's hard to keep them all straight. It's very chaotic. I plan to pick the winner after the third leg. :)