Wednesday, June 27, 2007


We haven't been posting much...
Dale is buried with schoolwork and this week I'm buried in sermon prep.
But since I don't want this to get too static, I'm posting for Shadow. He is dictating this entry to me.
"So, today I had to take my medicine twice. Miaowuck! I played with the colored hard cold kitty and the soft furry mouse thingie, but it was so stimulating that eventually I stopped playing and started running around the house as though I were insane. (pause to wash paw). You do understand, of course, that I'm not insane. I just like pretending. Pipsqueak was annoyed with you when you stepped on him on the rug. Miaowouch! I'm planning a busy night of jumping onto the countertops and sneaking into your lap when you're reading. (pause to stretch) I'm done now. (walk away)."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cat! First he plays the piano, then he starts writing---and blogging at that. To quote a famous book (sort of) "Some Cat"!