Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Shrimp Boats and Chicken Sandwiches

So I ate lunch at this hole-in-the-wall in Durham called "The Shrimpboat". Ironically, it's not the seafood that's all the rage, but the chicken sandwich, which was touted to me as "the best chicken sandwich in town". Durham isn't that big, so the claim is probably easily defended, but it probably was the best chicken sandwich I've ever had in Durham. However, it wasn't really all was so hyped, that it was rather disappointing. Afterall, it is just a chicken sandwich. But I did write a blog post about it.

If you're ever in a seedy part of Durham and see The Shrimpboat restaurant and you're craving a chicken sandwich, you've found your oasis.


Anonymous said...

Don't you know? The higher the hype, the less satisfying the consummation. But cut it some slack. How good can a chicken sandwich be?

Anonymous said...

Enough Delay. Your public is awaiting a new installment.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.