Monday, February 4, 2008


Yesterday, I made bread. Honest to goodness, made from scratch with bare hands, white bread. And let me tell you - homemade white bread is DELICIOUS! I've been wanting to make bread ever since I became a full time student, what, 2.5 years ago? My first loaves, baked in the fall of 2005 using an internet recipe, did not rise. They were delicious tasting incredibly dense bricks of bread. And that put me off for 2+ years. But I bought the "Bread Bible" on Saturday, and on Sunday I produced two loaves of airy white bread. They're not perfect. My second rise didn't go so well, so they ended up with a deep crease on the top instead of a round curve. So the slices look a little odd. But if you close your eyes there's nothing to complain about!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some really good bread comes in a can. I hear it can last 50 years or more.