Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How is the job going?

It's what everyone wants to know these days. How is the job going?
Well, great.
So far, everything is going well. There are adjustments. I have to fit a work out into my day. I have to find time to do daily household chores. I have to learn what I can and cannot talk about in general. But I love it. I love my tasks. I love working. I love a paycheck!
Sure, it's not all roses and butterflies. People have problems and pains and I am learning more and more about those. But the years working on the sexual assault hotline prepared me pretty well for that.
I gotta say, it's pretty much my dream job. Flexible hours, easy commute, people interaction, organizational tasks, great discussions, etc.
But then, what would you expect? God did put this job into my lap without me lifting a finger...


Deb said...

Sounds like being Sovereign! Very VERY cool!!! :)

Momo said...

So glad you're happy with it all! That's a real blessing.