Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Top 10 Reasons that Fringe Rocks

10. Olivia Dunham is unapologetically feminine and aggressive, without being a bitch.
9. Peter Bishop can do illegal things and get results because he's not a Federal employee.
8. Walter's alternate names for Astrid.
7. The human drama is gut wrenching, funny, believable, and not mired in stereotypical romance.
6. The Fringe science is based on real stuff, taken to fantasy levels.
5. Leonard Nimoy as William Bell.
4. There are conspiracies within conspiracies and sides haven't been clearly drawn up yet.
3. The real monsters are humans without consciences.
2. Some bad guys actually get captured and/or killed.
1. Walter Bishop's bizarre food cravings, triggered by visions of atrocities.

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