Sunday, December 27, 2009


Woke up this morning at 5:00 am. Went to bed around 11:00, so that's only 6 hours of sleep, but my body was done. So I got up and worked on a story-in-progress. As usual, it has taken a new direction and now I've put it back down to let it percolate. My short stories always seem to spiral out of control - new elements, new characters, new developments. How does one weed through all that stuff? How do I know what is the story and what isn't? I read somewhere (probably Anne Lamott), that to write a good book, you write 800 pages then cut 600. The resulting 200 pages will be vastly improved for having the 600 pages of cut development. But wow, that's hard. Especially when you see elements you love, but just don't fit. And then you take them out, but they seem to still be missing.
So anyway, I did some writing until my elements had spiraled beyond the current gestation state, and then I surfed the net and am now writing a blog entry about insomnia. At least it's been a productive couple of hours...

1 comment:

Angelia said...

I also deal with insomnia and I often use that time for writing. It makes me feel productive. I wanted to share with you a website that offers a lot of great sleep advice: I hope this can be of some help for your insomnia.