Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Friday!

It's a good day, the start of what will hopefully be a good weekend. We've got 2 parties to attend, woohoo! This seems like work to poor Dale, but I'm looking forward to it. In addition, we have a photographer coming in to attempt a "family" photo - a picture of me, Dale, and the 3 cats. Yes, yes, I know it's all very unlikely to happen, but we can always hope for the best. And maybe slip a benadryl into the cat food Saturday morning...
I'm busily perfecting my first three novel chapters - an agent actually wants to read chapter 1! So I'm going to work on the first 3 chapters, so if she likes 1, I have some more polished material to send. I still need to wrestle with the entire work, all 200+ pages of it - get it all into the right timeline, the right verb tenses, and oh, a consistent narrative voice. Minor details.

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