Monday, August 9, 2010

Waiting on Godot

We are in a season of waiting. Poor Dale has been waiting to find out if he has a job since June. He finally interviews on Wednesday, and we're really hoping he finds out next week if he gets to keep his job. (I'm completely confident he will).
Waiting for this has definitely put a lot of waiting in some other areas. We want to do some work on the house, but can't really make decisions until we know about the job situation. We are considering some other big decisions and those also must wait. All of our travel for the rest of the year, including a potential mission trip to Guatemala for me, are waiting on this decision.

I hate waiting.

Psalm 46:10 says Be still and know that I am God. But the Robert Alter translation says Let go and know that I am God. I need to let go. God has it all under control, and the waiting is not just wasted time. There are things we must attend to. And hopefully, sooner rather than later, we'll be moving forward again.

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