Saturday, January 22, 2011

When Home Improvement Meets Home Cleanup

Yesterday I marched to the Container Store, all excited to buy some custom shelving for our new and improved laundry area. Before I left, I started a load of laundry, and, since I had no where to put it, placed the brand new container of HE Tide on top of the stacked machines. I came home equally excited, full of plans to eat a good lunch then install shelves. As I walked back to the laundry room, however, I was greeted by this:

That's 150 oz of Tide, contained (thank goodness) in my tiny closet space. I was at a complete loss. So naturally, I called my friend Alicia, who generously came over to help me clean up and salvage what detergent I could. We finally settled on scooping the Tide up into a dustpan and dumping it into a large tupperware. We couldn't get the Tide beneath the washing machine, so we settled on leaving it there and allowing it to dry up. What a great surprise that will be in 20 years when we move!
Here's a picture of my friend Alicia:

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