10. Due to it being graduation weekend, one morning when my sister-in-law took my nephews for an early morning swim, there was a naked woman in the pool. She pulled on a tank top when she saw them.
9. Every time we went outside, we got to experience what it's like for food in a convection oven.
8. In Texas, they don't have sheep dogs. They have sheep donkeys.
7. The interstate roads have entrance and exit ramps that literally go across lanes of opposing traffic.
6. "Guardrail" is spelled "Gardrail" in Texas.
5. In my family cemetery, Round Mound, I found a relative nicknamed "Commie." His full first name was "Commodore."
4. We got to cross a creek known by the college kids as the River Jordan.
3. The "River Jordan" leads to the "Holy Hump," the hill where the campus for Abilene Christian University can be found.
2. There is a Bible Hardware store in downtown Abilene.
1. To the author of the Fort Phantom Hill pamphlet: well done! You really should pursue a career in romance novel writing!
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