Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy Anniversary and Where Does That Go?

Today Dale and I celebrate 3 years of marriage. Yay! I think we'll celebrate by going out to dinner and then coming home and doing homework. Seriously. Students sure know how to have a rocking good time...

In other news, Duchess saw the vet today. She's a whopping 2.9 pounds now and healthy. She did very well, although she was quite displeased with the temperature taking and the fecal sampling. Fortunately all signs are healthy and she curled up in my lap and purred when we got home, so I think all was forgiven. She's back to the vet in a month for final shots, including rabies, and then we'll be spaying her around Thanksgiving time. What fun for her! Shadow seems pretty ok with her now, although he does hiss every time she pounces on his tail. Who can blame him? Pip is gaining weight again. I suspect he is eating Shadow's food which is on the high bookshelf. This would be the same food he flat out refused to eat for days last week. Grrr. In short, all is normal in Catland.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll be shocked at how quickly 3 turns into 30. (Or maybe I'm just old enough to notice how fast time flies when you're having fun!)

Congratulations and best wishes forever!