Monday, October 20, 2008

Request for Advice!

Yes, this is an open request for advice!
On Friday, we steam cleaned the carpet in Dale's office. His office is where the litter-boxes live. When we finished, the room smelled fresh and clean and the carpet, well, it's still ugly, but it was all the same color again! On Saturday, we smelled cat urine in the corner where Duchess always pees. sigh.
Now, there was no reason for her to pee in the corner. There is a big toy, in that corner, which is hers and only hers - the other cats don't touch it. The litter-boxes were spotlessly clean and they are both of the type which she prefers (based on weeks of testing). Furthermore, there is a litter-box in a closet which she uses - a very private location. So there is no earthly reason for her to pee on the floor except that she hates us...

We are on a quest for a new vet. When I interview vets this week, I will be asking them for ideas about Duchess. I am also asking all of you. No idea is too far out. No suggestion too bizarre! Let me know your thoughts!


Anonymous said...

I think she is trying to tell you something, but have no idea what. Or perhaps she is telling the other cats to keep off her territory.

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Maybe she was marking her corner and toy. She might want to warn the other cats off. She does not hate you.

Kerry said...

Anonymous... trust me... it's a distinct possibility that she hates them.

Anonymous said...

Cats are above hatred, although they may hold a person in contempt. Perhaps the owners need to be more respectful.

Elaine said...

I don't think she needs to warn the other cats off. The structure is rather insubstantial - she's the only cat small enough to play on it without fear. Plus, she was peeing in that corner before, possibly as a litter-box protest, so she may just be returning to the scene of the crime...

Anonymous said...

Are your litter boxes side-by-side? Maybe try splitting them up. I heard somewhere that cats smell a dirty one and won't use the clean one because it's too close to the smelly one.