Thursday, November 20, 2008

centering prayer

I've been practicing centering prayer for a few years now. However, I've been practicing it with much more discipline lately. It occurs to me that my cats provide the perfect image for it.
My mind is like Duchess on the screened-in porch. Every fiber of her being is alert, eyes wide open, nose twitching, ears rotating to catch every sound, tail up, body quivering with readiness to run and pounce. And at every noise, every movement, every smell, she moves. She runs and rushes all over the place, totally focused but also switching focus every second.
When I enter centering prayer, I detach from my Duchess mind. I see it. I know it's doing its thing. But I just let it go. I try to access my Pipsqueak center. Pipsqueak sits in my lap. He doesn't much want petting. He doesn't move around every 5 seconds like Shadow. He just wants to sit in perfect stillness in a warm place. He is solid and heavy and completely relaxed.
I pretty much think everybody ought to be trying out centering prayer, that's how awesome it is.


Kerry said...

I'm definately a Dutchess prayer. I love this analogy.

Anonymous said...

I've heard it called "monkey brain," but I like the Duchess analogy a lot better! What role does Shadow play in this group?

Elaine said...

Yes, I like the metaphor of monkey mind a lot, but I have Duchess, not a monkey. Although perhaps a monkey would be better behaved...

Kerry said...

The monkey can be potty trained, and most likely wouldn't pee on the wall. I will totally go with you for the exchange!!

Anonymous said...

Now, now. Where is the Christian Compassion for this unhappy little kitty? Is she really guilty of crime, or is she crying out for help with her unmet needs?

Kerry said...

You're right, Anonymous... I have no compassion for this kitty, Christian or otherwise. But I have seen her rath. It's the rath of evil wrapped in a fluffy and cute package. But beware. Beware!!