Friday, February 13, 2009

7 quick takes

1. Yesterday I found out I was sick (non-contagious). This was after my intense workout.
2. Today I have already taken a 3 hour nap and am contemplating a second one, even though yesterday I felt vigorous and full of life. Power of suggestion, my friends, power of suggestion.
3. Dale and I will be going to a Valentine's Day party - what fun!
4. We have to bring stuff to dip into chocolate fondue. I'm thinking donut holes and marshmallows. Sure, there will be cheese and broth fondue, but who says you can't eat nothing but sugar for dinner on V-Day?
5. Well, maybe the antibiotics I'm on say I can't eat sugar. But the pain later will be SO WORTH IT.
6. I can't wait to graduate and be done with classes.
7. Unfortunately, many school projects lay between me and graduation...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So we all want to know if you survived the combination of sugar and antibiotics!