Monday, April 6, 2009

G vs. G2

First, I'd like to point out that when I watch TV, I mute the commercials. So I have to figure out the message of the commercial without benefit of sound. So when Gatorade rebranded themselves as G recently, it took me a while to figure it out. After all, the first commercial didn't have a single jug of liquid anywhere in it, just a bunch of athletes and a big letter G. The athletes included both men and women, which is cool.
Recently Gatorade has started advertising another product, G2. I could tell from the muted commercial that G2 was a low-calorie product. How could I tell? Because, all the people in the ad were women. Yes, apparently only women athletes need to worry about their weight while they replenish their electrolytes. Men can be fat.
I'm not going to foam at the mouth - why waste perfectly good rage on a mundane example of society's far-reaching sexism?

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