Tuesday, April 28, 2009


What have I been doing with myself in April?
1) Watching all my crocuses and daffodils come up and bloom!
2) Protecting my poor rose bush against black spot and aphids (darn all this rain!)
3) Wishing that spring was, on average, 75 rather than 65 degrees.
4) co-hosting a 12 hour prayer vigil at my church that was really awesome! I love when we have equal numbers of men and women attending. I love that with only 5 lamps we had awesome mood lighting to replace the fluorescent lighting. I love that people experienced God.
5) Completed a ridiculous number of school projects.
6) Began fertilizing and pruning my plants.
7) Helped plant a community vegetable garden, yum!
8) Bought & planted my own basil plant.
9) Asked for a quote to get the cedar siding repaired and re-stained, so we will no longer have a burnt orange house.
10) Discovered that when you use cash, you really do spend less money, even without changing any habits.
11) Upgraded the RAM in my computer (thanks dad!)
12) Wrote, worked out, cleaned
13) Hosted guests from DC and helped them apartment shop (one is moving here next month)
14) Began coordinating events for my GRADUATION weekend!
15) Had 4 doctor's visits (but I'm getting healthier)
16) relaxed, really relaxed, for the first time in a LONG time.

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