Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm Melllllllllting!

Has anyone seen the latest Snuggle commercial? At the end of the commercial, the Snuggle bear lands in a pool of pinkness and slowly dissolves until he is half submerged, as if he's floating in a pool of pink liquid. I tried to find the image on YouTube but failed.
Here's the thing: when the Snuggle bear is sinking into the pool of pink scented loveliness, all I can think of is the scene at the end of the Return of the King, when Gollum lands in the pool of hot lava and slowly dissolves, dying in his moment of triumph. Is this twisted on my part, or a horrible oversight on the Snuggle bear marketer's part?


Fran said...

I think the average maker (or owner) of TV commercials probably does not live on the same literary plane as those of us who read Tolkein. But hey, the imagery works. If we give ourselves over to evil, it seems that we could find ourselves in Gollum's place, whether literally or metaphorically. Think Screwtape and the feast at the end.

Elaine said...

So, what you're saying here is that the Snuggle bear has given itself over to evil by using fabric softener?

Fran said...

No, No, No! It's a metaphor! The Snuggle Bear has given itself over to softness, fulfilling it's purpose. You're the one who brought up Gollum!