Friday, February 26, 2010

Bizarre Stories

So I've had a cab driver hit on me, a one-armed woman approach me while I was driving (getting out of her own car to do so and then going back before saying a word), a Seinfeld moment involving Purell and Communion, a fire alarm during a movie, a rattle in my car that no one but Dale and I can hear, a strange man follow me home because "you are so beautiful", a burglar alarm caused by nothing, seizures that aren't really seizures, and my car move on its own more than 1 mile while I was passed out having a non-seizure.
What bizarre things have happened in your life?


Mom said...

With all that, how can the rest of us think any of our events are bizarre?!

Alicia said...

A guy I dated two timed me with a girl who was my exact twin and lived 300 miles from me. A weirdo broke into my apartment and took nude Polaroids of himself in various rooms of my house. I met a world famous celebrity and talked with him for over an hour without recognizing him. Ummm...

Anonymous said...

Perfect!Great! This helped a lot! I've read a few
rather confusing blogs lately, this cleared up some confusion I had.

Kerry said...

I dated a guy who lied about his last name and what he did for a living... then started a new job and saw him sitting in the breakroom.
I get called 'gringa' at least 6 times a day.
I slipped on an orange peel last night in the ghetto on the way to a prayer meeting and sprained my ankle... on the way back to the van, the one of the guys helping me says (in a heavy latin accent) 'you know, that happened to me one time in prison when I was playing soccor'.

Kerry said...

I dated a guy who lied about his last name and what he did for a living... then started a new job and saw him sitting in the breakroom.
I get called 'gringa' at least 6 times a day.
I slipped on an orange peel last night in the ghetto on the way to a prayer meeting and sprained my ankle... on the way back to the van, the one of the guys helping me says (in a heavy latin accent) 'you know, that happened to me one time in prison when I was playing soccor'.