Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day - Happy or Heinous?

Maybe it's just because I'm happily married and out of the shark-infested dating waters, but I like Valentine's Day. Of course, I always have. Even when single, I usually had some other single friends to hang out with. And what's wrong with a holiday that involves red roses and hearts? I like those things. I like chocolate too, and I'm not afraid to buy my own.
In fact, I gotta say, I think our current celebration of Valentine's Day beats the heck out of its pagan origins. According to Michael Judge, the original pagan holiday was known as the Lupercal. Highlights included killing a dog, sprinkling its blood on people, whipping people with thongs made out of its skin, and running around naked in the streets having sex.
So yeah, I think Valentine's Day today is not so bad. Even if you're single, celebrate the relationships you do have! Where is it written that you can't send cards and flowers to friends. Just don't imitate Andy from The Office when you send your cards...

1 comment:

Boriqua said...

I'm with you. Even when single, I never got the hate. And wow -- if anyone should be happy about how much Valentine's Day has changed, it's dogs. Woof!