Thursday, May 20, 2010

All my Friends are Funnier than Me

Recently I was complaining because the Media is OBSESSED with Supreme Court nominee Kagan's religion. They keep talking about how if she gets in, the court will have NO Protestants.
First of all, people, this did not happen overnight. The majority of the current Court have been nominated in the last 30 years (Reagan administration). If you were really worried, then maybe someone should've spoken up in the 90's, or during Bush's 2 nominations.
Second, my friend Alvin has this to say:
How about we focus on the fact that there are no Zoroastrians, Wiccans, Taoists, Buddhists, Heaven’s Gate, Transgender, Post-Op Transexuals, Flying Purple People Eaters, or worst of all NO ASIANS. It’s unacceptable that in this day and age, that a collection of 9 people does not accurately reflect and represent the diversity of 309 million Americans. The only minority accurately represented are the gays since we know that Samuel Alito’s has a gay foot. Oh and Scalia has a Mormon nipple.

Seriously. Why are all my friends so much funnier than me?!!!

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