Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lost Lost Episode 2

Michael's face, close up. The camera backs away to show him standing at the wheel of the run down boat the Others gave him. Walt lies on the floor behind him, asleep. The camera pans the horizon, going full circle, showing nothing but ocean. Michael keeps sailing, double-checking his heading nervously.
Walt wakes up. "Hey dad"
Michael: "Yes Walt?"
Walt: "So how did you convince the Others to let me go?"
Michael: "I made a deal."
Walt: "What kind of deal?"
Michael says nothing, but sheds one tear.

Back to Michael and Walt on the grubby boat. Another horizon shot. A good five minutes of ocean footage. Then the flashback whoosh...

Michael is cleaning the bathrooms on the freighter. Sayid enters and nods towards Michael.
Sayid: "If I don't get some food besides beans, your job will get much worse."
Michael shrugs, says nothing.
Sayid: "So tell me something, Michael. If the captain knew you were working for Ben, why did he call you Jason? And why doesn't he care?"
Michael looks at Sayid. "What makes you think I'm gonna tell you anything? You're just looking for some way to sell me out."
Sayid: "Fine, have it your way. I can't afford to buy your loyalty."
Sayid leaves. Michael, in anger, moons Sayid as the door shuts. We notice a tattoo of Paolo on Michael's left cheek.

Village compound. Sawyer is presiding over Judge Judy. Claire and Hurley are standing in front of them.
Sawyer: "So let me get this straight. Claire, you're angry at Hurley because he let Vincent poop on your front lawn."
Claire: "Multiple times."
Sawyer: "Don't interrupt. I got it. Multiple times. And Hurley, your defense is that Vincent has the run of this place and poops on everybody's front lawn."
Hurley: "That's right, Sawyer"
Sawyer: "That's Judge Judy to you, Wapner."
Hurley: "Well, that's Judge Wapner to you!"
Sawyer shrugs.
Hurley: "Dude, if we could, like, hurry this up, because my case starts any minute now."
Sawyer: "I didn't notice any clocks around here. You got a camera crew needing to make a broadcast deadline that I don't know about? Cause if so, you oughta let me have it – THIS is real entertainment!"
Hurley: "Dude, uncool."
Sawyer: "So, any final comments?"
Claire: "Well, Hurley, it's just that Vincent only goes on MY lawn, haven't you noticed? Can't you train him to go in the bushes or something?"
Hurley: "He's not my dog."
Claire: "But you're the only one who feeds him. I can't do it, I've got a baby to take care of."
Sawyer: "Ok, both of you, shut up. Good thing this isn't really on TV because y'all are totally boring. Here's my ruling, and remember, it's final. Claire, you need to tell Hurley whenever Vincent is in your lawn so he can watch him. Hurley, if Vincent goes on her lawn again, you have to clean up the poo with your bare hands."
Hurley: "Dude, that's totally unfair."
Sawyer: "Retrain the dog. Besides, you're hurrying me. Go to your own stupid case."
Hurley rushes over to the yard in front of the rec center where there's a small crowd. Sawyer and Claire follow him.
Hurley: "Sorry I'm late everybody."
People look around. Miles shrugs and says, "I didn't know we were on a schedule." Hurley rolls his eyes.
Hurley: "OK, everybody, we're all here because we have a problem with how Locke is leading us." A murmur of agreement.
Locke: "What is this, Hugo? A mutiny?"
Hurley: "No, but that's the problem. You seem to think that we're all supposed to follow you blindly."
Locke: "Yes, that's the agreement." He smiles and looks around.
Locke: "I've told everybody more than once that they're free to leave if they have a better idea of what to do."
Claire: "John, we want to stay with you. We just want to have a little more say in what's going on. I think that's reasonable."
Hurley nods. "That's what this is about, Locke. We want to be a team."
Locke looks around. "Is that it? This isn't about Ben at all then?"
Hurley: "Well, it's also about Ben."
Sawyer walks up. "It's about Ben, but Ben is just the beginning and we all know it."
People look at Sawyer, surprised.
Miles: "Yeah, look at this guy." He points at Ben. "He cold bloodedly killed everybody he grew up with, teachers, friends, his own dad. What are you doing letting him walk around?"
Locke's eyebrows shoot up. "Who let Miles out?"
Sawyer: "I did. I figured maybe you needed a little competition in the dictator department."
Locke: "James, that wasn't a good idea."
Hurley: "Well, we don't think letting Ben out was a good idea."
Everyone agrees. Locke shrugs. "Ok then." He hands the keys to Sawyer. "Lock Ben back up. Do me a favor, do everyone a favor, and lock Miles up too. You wanna be in charge? You got three days." He starts to walk away.
Hurley: "John, where are you going?"
Locke: "I think you know, Hugo."

Back on the boat, the crew has started a Mahjongg tournament. The doctor comes to get Sayid and Desmond.
Doctor: "Come out on deck. We're all playing Mahjongg."
Desmond: "What? Why?"
Doctor: "Just come out."
Once Desmond and Sayid reach the deck, they are told that the crew has decided not to move people between the island and the boat until they have a winner. Sayid and Michael try to refuse to play, but are forced at gunpoint to comply.
Michael and Walt sit on the deck of the old boat, playing with an old set of Mahjongg.
Walt: "This would be really boring if we had anything else to do."
Michael: "Yeah, well, we don't."
Five more minutes of ocean horizon footage.

Locke arrives at Jacob's cabin. He hears some noises coming from behind. Stealthily, he approaches. Through the brush, he see Bernard and Richard tied up to trees. He shakes his head. Just then the Sand People appear. Locke's eyes widen. "Star Wars?" he whispers to himself.

The Mahjongg tournament is in full swing. Michael is not playing. He looks out over the horizon. Whooosh.
Michael and Walt are on the boat still. Walt is asleep. Suddenly, Michael sees something strange on the horizon, like a signal. Michael, excited, pulls out his flare gun and prepares to fire. Then he looks again. The boat is starting to come into view. It is the Kahana. It looks like the whole crew is on the deck for some reason.


Kerry said...

"The Mahjongg tournament is in full swing"????


You rock.

Anonymous said...

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Привет, девочки! Я познакомилась с МЧ возле месяца назад, он живет в соседнем доме, ему 25 лет. Мы очень друг другу понравились, встречались 3 раза, включая знакомство. По мимо него у меня было много поклонников, лето, веселье, ну вы понимаете, его особо не выделяла. Периодически созванивались, в силу возраста наверно, ему с друзьями повеселиться хочется, я это понимаю. Близости у нас не было, но страсть и без этого очущается, и пообщаться есть о чем, короче сообща очень хорошо нам. Но в последнее время все чаще стала о нем думать каждый день, накрутила себя по абсолютной, наши отношения осталтсь на том же уровне, а мне хочется большего, стала замечать что общсться мы стали реже, может опять же накрутила себя... Переживаю... Не возьму в толк, пойдет ли у нас далее или же всё это конец... Запуталась... Подскажите плз что мне думать, позабыть или же подождать или же что...? спасибо за понимание, жду совета:)