Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Music that makes me laugh

Alvin visited me briefly recently, and introduced me to a couple of very funny musicians. I'm currently listening to Jonathan Coulton, who strongly reminds me of Weird Al. One lyric from a song named "Gambler's Prayer," goes, "Lord, help me take money from my friends."
The other artist is Wing. I think Wing is someone who took a cheap karaoke machine and used it to make records. It's brilliant, because after all, at least Alvin has bought her cd's... If you visit her website you'll notice that she'll sing to someone for their birthday. Man, what a great birthday present THAT would be. Did I mention that Dale's birthday is November 9th?
I highly recommend these artists. They are bringing a big smile to my vacation time!


Erin Brown said...

That's awesome. I really enjoyed listening to "Wing Sings AC/DC"!

Kerry said...

I can't decide which is better...
Wing singing "Dancing Queen" or Wing singing "Hell's Bells"!!!

I thought that I might actually pee my pants.