Monday, April 21, 2008

this eye

I read the story of the blind beggar who asks Jesus to give him sight. And Jesus asks him first, "what do you want me to do for you?" Which is a good question for me to ask myself: what do I want Jesus to do for me?
And today I needed some help with my mean old judgmental self: I've had several moments of bring really critical, and it's just no good.
And that thought reminded me of an old song-I don't know who wrote it or the name of it. But these are the lyrics:
"this eye looks with love,
this eye looks with judgement.
free me, take this sight out of this eye.
free me, take the sight out of this eye."
and that's what I need Jesus to do for me: make my judgement eye blind and give sight to my love eye.


Kerry said...

I have found myself doing the exact same thing lately, and have been working really hard to let judgemental feelings or insights go.

There is a girl at work who thinks that I have been judging her based on her appearance. Which is completely insane because I don't even know this girl. But the more that I think about it, I realize that I had been judging her. She has a figure a lot like mine, and she wears really tight/low cut/short skirt clothes. I have had to flip the judgement around on her fashion sense and try to be admirable of her self-confidence. I would love to have the confidence that she has.

Does anyone have tweezers? I seem to have something in my eye...

Elaine said...

I'd help you with that eye, but I have a telephone pole stuck in my eye...