Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Slo-Mo Pope

So yesterday I settled down in my recliner for a nice relaxing hour of Oprah. It was Dr. Oz confronting a smoking family about quitting. Quality TV. Martha Beck, who is on my short list of people-I-would-love-to-meet, was also on the show. So I settle in, and then, without warning, Oprah goes off and an ABC special report comes on. Because the Pope is, at that moment, landing in Andrews AFB. Well, ok, fine. I get it. That's big news. The Pope doesn't visit every day. So that's fine.
So I'm watching. We watch Bush and his family walk towards a jet and a red carpet. The news announcer is giving a painful play by play. "Now President Bush is walking towards the red carpet. Wind is blowing his hair and the hair of his family. They are continuing to walk. There is a jet near the red carpet." Then the camera cuts to the jet and the Pope emerges. He walks down the steps. There is handshaking and more play by play narrative. Then the announcer says that he is "there" (wherever "there" is) with a theologian to discuss what the Pope might want to accomplish during his visit. I'm sorry, what? That is not news. That is speculation. I muted it at that point. I'm still watching because I'm hoping that once the Pope is done walking around, we'll get back to Oprah. I watch the Pope shake hands with a lot of men wearing black robes. I watch the President and Pope walk towards the building, with Laura and Jenna walking behind. We watch their backs all the way to the building. I think maybe now we're done, but not. Now we get to see the theologian speculating about the Pope. The Pope's itinerary is flashed on the screen. Useful. Then, I kid you not, we're back to the video of the Pope coming out of the jet. The bottom of the screen says "Earlier Today." Wow, I'm really glad I got to see this twice. That's very newsworthy. I go to the kitchen and make a loaf of bread. I return. Now they're showing the Pope and President walking together, in slow motion. I have no idea why this video warranting being run in slow motion. It's not like the Pope was making a secret gesture that could only be seen in slo-mo. But once that was done, mercifully, we went back to Oprah.


Kerry said...

what kind of bread did you make??

Elaine said...

Out of all that text, you focused on the bread??

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of 24/7 "news", which is one of the curses of our culture!

I hate it when Oprah gets ruined by such stuff, especially since I almost never get to watch.

We need a new option besides tivo, etc. We need the ability to return to regular programing and leave the network choice behind.

Kerry said...

you make really good bread?? love you.

Elaine said...

You know, Ginger was joking with me about starting a business, but I seriously will have to do that with all these bread orders. That's what Evergreen needs - a bakery that gives all its profits back!

Kerry said...

Perhaps I can avoid leaving the country by being your bread associate and lil' EBs manager!!!