Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Shut Up, Meanie

Today is my "writing day." Which is probably why this is the day that the winners of the short-story contest were announced. I am not among them, although there are at least 50 of them.
So, I promised that the next time my artist-killing voice spoke up, I would let my inner artist speak. After the predictable spate of hate-filled hopelessness, I told the meanie to shut up and let the artist say a few words. They were not what I expected. And, in fact, I doubt them and doubt whether I should pay attention to them. But at least I was able to get the meanie to shut up for a few moments. Baby steps, I suppose.


Anonymous said...

You should read "Self-Esteem" by McKay. It is an approachable self-help book that focuses on understanding the motivations of the critic and then silencing him/she/it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good book. Whatever you try, whenever you try it, there is likely to be a mean little voice trying to tear you down. Try not to listen. Maybe read the good book recommended by your expert commenter!

I believe in your writing.

Erin Brown said...

Yeah, I will not accept this.

If your inner meanie were another person saying those things to you, I would punch that person in the face. And you would too. And Kerry would kick her in the face because she can kick crazy high. And then we would all get together for coffee and talk about how UNBELIEVABLE that person is and "Can you even BELIEVE!!!! she SAID that?!?!?!?" and then we would all decide to shut her out of our lives because she sucks and is draining and not worth being around. Because the things she says are mean and untrue. So there. God, why do you even HANG with this person??

Sure, maybe I'm an unrelenting optimist with an overdeveloped sense of self-esteem, but maybe that's because I think everyone desreves to be that way. Because we were created in God's image. Because God is a creator, and all of nature, poetry, writing, art, pottery, and all other forms of self expression come from Him and His earth and His people overflowith with it, and It. Is. Good.

So overflowith, my friend.