Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday quick takes

I know this isn't the most satisfying thing, but at least I'm blogging!

1. I had major insomnia last night, but I finished a school project, took care of some emails, and caught up on my online TV. Then I managed to sleep in until 9:00 am, despite the kitty chorus.
2. There is more serotonin in a person's gut than in their brain, at least according to my doctor.
3. I'm fascinated by the show Lie to Me (on during Lost, but watch it online!), and now I'm staring at people's expressions so I can learn to face-read and tell if someone is lying...
4. I can't believe all my final papers and projects are due within 2 days of Easter. That's just cruel.
5. I ordered products today for my bunion. I have the feet of a 85 year old.
6. Tonight at my small group I'm talking about the sons of God who had sex with the daughters of men. I'm really looking forward to exploring the Hebrew behind all that!
7. I'm glad my class has finally started studying marital counseling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell me what you know about the sons of God and daughters of men. I find that scripture very interesting~