Thursday, January 8, 2009

Umm, is this really a big deal?

So I don't really do New Year's Resolutions. That's not my "thing." In fact, in the past I have held a "break your new year's resolution" party, and I'm thinking I'll do that again this year. What fun! Nothing like supporting those you love, right?
However, I do have a couple of goals for this year. Not resolutions. But I'm planning to write the first drafts of 2 books. When I say this, people's eyes get big and they say things about how big a goal that is. I guess they all believe me. (Now see, me, when I hear someone say that, I get a little cynical and stay unimpressed. This is how big a jerk I secretly am).
But to me, this is not that impressive. I feel competent to achieve this. I have a plan. I am working a system. To me, the impressive (and intimidating) goal will be when I try to get the books PUBLISHED. THIS is the big scary goal for me. Am I crazy? Perhaps this is just beginners' naivete, after all, I've never written a book before.
So if I am just being naive, be kind and gentle in your comments. And do ask me, on occasion, how my books are going. Maybe I will be crushed with failure and humility by June. Who knows? I'm looking forward to finding out!


Anonymous said...

I think a difference between a resolution and what you've proposed is that a resolution is often vague, leans on will power alone and often counts on the miraculous. But this is different. You are ( I am assuming) looking at the book tasks in manageable steps, steps of faith at that, and pursuing your dreams. This is entirely different. Do not have a party for the books-- except a "I signed with an agent party!" I am proud of you. I can't wait to read them!

Elaine said...
