Tuesday, August 18, 2009

7 quick takes

1. Today I get to finally move on to band-aids for my finger!
2. I also need to work out, yuck.
3. I'm close to finishing a book which I got free in return for a promised review - look for the review next week!
4. I did not win the latest writing contest I entered.
5. But that's ok.
6. I still feel like a blind woman fumbling to find a path for my writing.
7. But I think a lot of writers feel that way. At least until they are famous published writers, maybe.


Anonymous said...

When you really have something to say you will find your writing voice. Just keep journaling until it happens.

Unknown said...

I think that for every 'art', be it visual, music, writing, etc.. very few 'get it' immediately. Very few are maestros out of the box.

Writers must write continuously to get better, to raise their signal-to-noise ratio, to clearly hear their destined voice.

Keep at it!