Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The kindness of others

I'm feeling quite warm and fuzzy about others today.
As most of you know, last night I cut a bit of my finger tip off while chopping basil for dinner. I called Dale immediately, but he was at least 20 minutes away from home and I knew I couldn't wait for him - the pain was so bad I was about to pass out. So I called one of my neighbors who immediately rushed over and took me to an urgent care unit. As a side note - it's always good to be friends with neighbors!
Then, yesterday I noticed that I couldn't find my debit card anywhere. So this morning I called the bank to get a new one. They told me that someone found my card in a parking lot and turned it in, and the bank is currently mailing it to me! I love honest people! It feels so good to be on the receiving end of a stranger's honesty and kindness. :)

Oh, for those who are interested in the gross, I'm considering posting a photo of the severed fingertip. Votes yes or no, please. :)

1 comment:

Kerry said...


We can be twins, from when I cut off the tip of my finger!!