Friday, April 30, 2010

Another conversation with Dale

Dale: Apparently Sharon Osborne is getting her breast implants removed and giving them to Ozzie.
me: Why is she removing them?
Dale: I don't know. Maybe they're hard to maintain.
me: What's to maintain? They're just bags of fluid - there's no maintenance.
Dale: Maybe Ozzie will use them as paperweights (laughing).
me: That's awesome. You know, if I get cancer and then get implants and then die before you, I want you to remove my implants and use them as paperweights on your desk at work.
Dale: that would be great!
me: Yeah, cause people would totally think they were stress balls and come up and start squeezing them and be all like, "what's this, a stress ball?" And then you would be like, "no, those were my wife's breasts," and they would all freak out.
both: laughing.
me: But you're making this up about Sharon Osborne, right?
Dale: No, for real, she's having them removed.

I have not tried to verify whether Sharon Osborne is having her implants removed...


Alicia said...

Apparently it is true AND she beat you to the paperweight idea.


Kerry said...

once again... to be a fly on the wall in the Bayless Barn.