Saturday, June 19, 2010

You might be a pastor if:

10. You are incapable of giving a simple "yes" or "no" answer to a question about the Bible
9. You not only own several different Bible translations but you've read them all
8. Your job responsibilities range from unclogging toilets to praying on Sunday mornings.
7. You see great sermon illustrations in random movies and songs. (Bonus points if they involve Lady Gaga).
6. It's not uncommon for you to be booked every night in a week.
5. People think you know everything about everything and so constantly ask you questions.
4. In reality, you know about 75% of 75% of everything, but you often can't answer questions due to confidentiality.
3. Your spouse refers to you as his "full-time ministry."
2. You spend random Thursday nights driving relative strangers to shelters and other institutions.
1. You think that these institutions look like pretty cool places to volunteer, in all your "spare" time...

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