Thursday, March 24, 2011

Key West Fire Drill

Dale and I sat on our balcony enjoying the fresh night air on St. Patrick's Day. Our balcony overlooked the dead end road our hotel sat on. The road was awesome. There were no signs, no barriers. It literally just ended at a low concrete wall that was about 2 feet from the ocean. We saw lots of cars wander down the road, stop, then awkwardly turn around.
One car was driven by a group of excited revelers, obviously enjoying the holiday. They came down, turned around, and left. Then they returned. It was then that Dale and I witnessed what we have decided to call the Key West Fire Drill.
(For those who aren't familiar with the "chinese fire drill", that's when you stop at a traffic light, and everyone gets out of the car, runs around it, then returns to a different seat in the vehicle.)
There was a driver and 2 passengers, all older men. They got out of the car and ran around to the passenger side. The driver carried a bag, out of which he drew 3 t-shirts. He distributed the shirts, which they held up to their chests. There was a lot of giggling. Next, the driver embraced and kissed one of the passengers. The shirts were returned to the bag, and then everyone returned to their exact same seats. With a loud shriek, they took off into the night. Behold, the Key West Fire Drill.

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