Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pregnancy Drama

It's like a roller coaster here!
First of all, I got my insurance issues resolved. Because Dale is a GSK employee, we were able to switch providers to United, which covers Rex hospital deliveries! Hurrah! We are so blessed to work for a company that cares about its employees and takes care of them. Yay GlaxoSmithKline!

Just when I thought my emotions were getting in check, my asthma decided to flare up. Last week I caught some kind of bug, which led to bronchitis, which led to a serious asthma flare. So Dale and I spent Sunday morning in the hospital ER getting breathing treatments and drugs. Now I'm on several different medications, including steroids, which make me feel emotionally quite good. That's misleading, though, because I get going and then I drive myself too hard. So today I'm working from home.

We found out we're having a little girl! So very exciting! Something about that knowledge, and the 45 minutes we got to watch her during our Ultrasound, makes everything about this process so much more rewarding.

So that's the update from Pregnancy Roller Coaster Central.

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