Friday, March 6, 2009

7 quick takes

1) I LOVE this weather! I will spend the afternoon in the hammock.
2) I'm baking a new bread today, a loaf of cheese bread that looks really yummy.
3) I'll be doing some gardening too today. Did I mention I LOVE this weather?
4) This is the last day of spring break for me. It's all work from here on out.
5) Today's date is 3/6/9, isn't that cool?
6) I'm ruminating on building an arbor in the backyard. In stages.
7) I can't wait to go out and buy flowers for the garden and the back yard, although I'll wait until it's more reliably warmer.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

I must argue with your comment on the date 3/6/9... It's a dream for someone with OCD.