Monday, March 16, 2009

Who says I'm old?

I know that my physical health has deteriorated rapidly in the last few years. My brother and sister-in-law regularly laugh at me when I discuss my ailments. I'm finding sad areas of sagginess, a pathetic inability to dance for more than 5 minutes, and various aches and pains at all times.
But who says I'm old?
On Friday night, I partied with high schoolers. Young high schoolers. We bowled, we did a scavenger hunt, and we played Twister and video games. And I stayed up all night. Oh yes. I wasn't even tired until 5:00, and by then my body was waking up again! I didn't even doze off during the movie. Sure, I went home and crashed, but here's the thing: half of the high schoolers slept the night away. ha HA! I can still out party teenagers, so who says I'm old??


Anonymous said...

Take it from me (and I'm facing an auspicious birthday) "old" is as much a state of mind as anything else.

Kerry said...

To be fair... we were not just dancing... we were skipping. HUGE difference.