Friday, March 27, 2009

more reasons to work out

Currently, I have an accountability partner for working out. We have to confess how well we did each week - both of us are trying to work out 4 -5 times a week. It's working really well. I usually have the motivation to work out 2 - 3 times a week, but by Thursday and Friday I'm really over it. This accountability bit really gives me the extra motivation to get those final workouts in.
However, I may have discovered another reason today! I had to go see the cardiologist today because I've had a couple of close calls in the last 3 months (close calls meaning that if I hadn't been able to lie down, I would've passed out). Both happened after taking my heart medication, you know, the chemicals designed to keep me vertical. Now, the last time I saw the cardiologist, he told me to work out. And I have been. And what do you know, today he reduced my meds! He doesn't know why I'm having symptoms, but I'm choosing to say it's because I've been working out and my heart has remembered how it's supposed to work! So while I'm not losing weight, gaining upper arm firmness, or experiencing less knee problems, I am going to assert that working out is improving my life. :)

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