Monday, March 23, 2009

Tough Chick

I've been doing a lot of weightlifting lately. Last summer I noticed that my upper arms had turned into large swinging bags of loose tissue. So I'm working on my triceps. After almost a year, I have yet to see improvement, but I won't give up! However, as I worked with machines and free weights, I began to notice some pain in my wrists. I have notoriously floppy joints, so I assumed this was the problem, and I set out to find a solution.
The solution is weight lifting gloves with wrist supports. The only problem is that women's gloves don't have wrist supports. They're really cute, pink and red with contrasting trim, but no wrist supports. The nice sales guy told me that manufacturers just don't give women's gloves wrist supports. Sexist manufacturers! This meant I had to buy men's gloves. Fortunately, I have fairly large hands, so I was able to find a pair that fit right. But they are serious looking gloves. They make me feel like a badass weightlifter when I wear them. Black leather, fingerless, with velcro wrist guards. Yeah!
So there I am at the gym, wearing my tough manly weightlifting gloves, feeling like a bad ass, lifting my 5 pound dumbbells. What you say? 5 pounds? Only 5 pounds? Yes, there I sit, wearing men's weightlifting gloves, designed to give wrist support to manly men lifting 50 pound dumbbells, hoisting delicate 5 pound dumbbells in to the air.
Oh yeah. I'm a tough chick.

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