Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Changing my Views

Normally, I am opposed to paying movie theater prices for animated movies. This is simply based on irrational prejudice. I figure, why pay more for a movie where they went cheap and didn't hire actors? I like watching these movies, but I'd rather rent or see them at the dollar theater.
However, last night I was tasked with taking the high school group to a movie, and they all wanted to go see UP! Now, I do suspect that there were other movies on their list (like the Hangover), but they all know that all I will take them to see is PG or PG-13 rated movies. Plus, they all agreed on Up. So we went. I broke my rule, but it was all in service to the high schoolers.
And you know what? I'm giving up the rule. Sure the movie was extra expensive ($11) because it was in 3D. But darn it, it was a really good movie! I laughed. My heart was touched. It had a really good positive message done in a subtle way. Sure, it was predictable, and sure, it was cartoonish, but I really truly enjoyed it.
So new rule: if the movie looks good and Dale and I want to see it, we'll go, animated or not!

(And it should be noted that this is in the context of watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy, so I think my standards are higher than usual right now).

1 comment:

David said...

That's just weird, Elaine. Cartoons do hire actors. You just don't see them. They also hire a lot of animators and designers. The average CGI flick these days can't be called cheap. Glad you liked Up! We are looking forward to it. Wall*e is a favorite at our house right now.