Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nice surprises

I think I'm starting to get the hang of this gardening thing. Some things you buy and plant and they fail, because you made a mistake, say in assuming that the front bed of the house gets more than 2 hours of sunlight daily, given that the sun shines through the main window all day... Some things you buy and plant and they die because you have annoying but adorable rodents that you can't bear to kill. Some things you buy and plant and they die because, well, just because. Like my Solomon's Seal. It's a NC native, shade-lover, and it's in a bed that gets just 2 hours of sunlight a day (I know this b/c I spent all day recording how much sunlight each part of my yard gets). The soil of the bed was enriched with fresh compost and enriched soil a few months earlier. Yet it has died a slow, painful death, leaf by leaf.
But this is not a blog about failure. No! As I was weeding in the backyard - no, I must rephrase that. As I was selectively weeding around my few plants in the backyard, I discovered that my Elephant's Ear from last year was growing back. Not only that, but there are now THREE of them! I LOVE plants which survive and reseed! Like my mint, which is taking over the side of my garage, and the marigolds that re-appeared in the front bed (the one that actually gets full sun).
So yeah, the gardening thing: you win some, you lose some, and then sometimes God just gives you a bonus.


Fran said...

Your Solomon's Seal may not be dead. A lot of wildflowers come up, grow, bloom, and die back. No promises, but you may have a surprise next spring.

Elaine said...

I sure hope so! It was in bloom when I bought it, and then the blossoms fell off and the leaves went yellow and now the stalks are dead. But it's been probably a month since I bought it.