Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Not in my Strength (Pilgrimage 4)

On Sunday I had a meeting with the ministry team - we are the people who implement the plans and visions of the elders at our church. But this structure is going away next year, and I will be taking on the majority of their responsibilities. As we progressed through the meeting and people realized how much I am taking on, one of them kindly warned me not to get burned out. It reminded me of one of the main messages I got on my pilgrimage.
Don't work in my own strength: work in God's strength.
This is a tough one to work out. Not to brag, but I'm pretty competent. It's easy for me to accomplish a lot of things within my own strength. I don't exactly know how to act in God's strength. Such a mystery! Do I deliberately fail? Do I take on more than I can handle? How to act responsibly but also act in faith? I'm not talking about pushing myself - I'm talking about releasing myself. I guess you could use a tool metaphor: you can lift a car if you're strong enough, or you can use a jack to lift the car. In spiritual terms, I've got to figure out how to use God's strength rather than my own. I'm meditating a lot these days. I hope that will be helpful.


Anonymous said...

Remember that God expects you to take care of yourself. Also to rest in Him, which has layers of meaning. Prayer and meditation will help you work it out.

Alicia said...

First, WHAT?! And second, yes, that is going to be key, no matter what level of ministry you're involved in. Good reminder for all of us I think. :)

Anonymous said...

All can be