Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thoughts from the Pilgrimage, 1

It's just my first day back, so I'm processing a lot right now. My first thoughts:
Before I went, as I was praying over the pilgrimage, I felt God telling me it would be our honeymoon, a time for just the 2 of us. That was pretty cool. But as the week progressed, I realized that the honeymoon image wasn't quite right. I wasn't having a mountaintop experience (and hey, if a honeymoon isn't a mountaintop experience, you married the wrong person!). Dale and I often go away for little weekend getaways, and that was much more like my pilgrimage experience. I felt this sense of total comfortable intimacy, not excitement, just deep satisfaction. But with one difference. I felt that God was courting me ardently. God kept presenting me with moments of unexpected beauty and joy. Some were funny, some were profound. Each day, in the afternoon once it warmed up, I would wander around and find some secluded private spot, the little rendezvous that God had planned for us.
These are my first day back thoughts.

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