Friday, November 6, 2009

Thoughts from the Pilgrimage, 2

The Food.
Dale theorized that all the food would be Southwestern, which is not even close to my favorite kind of food. I was nervous about this possibility, but resolved not to bring any of my own food. I would simply trust that I would be able to find food to eat.
My trust was well founded. The food was of a wide variety, which included some southwestern style food. But there were always plain vegetables and rice and beans and delicious bread and pretty good soup. We ate chicken, tofu, sausage, and I think ground turkey, but no red meat. Oh, and there was also a fish dish, but I could smell the spices coming off of it when I came through the door, so I avoided it. Overall, however, the food was quite good. One day we had cream of celery soup, homemade. This answered the question Dale and I explored in this post.