Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Creamy soups

I have heard that married people, after a few years of marriage, stop having meaningful conversations. I'm pleased to discover, after 3 years of marriage, that this is not true. Just last night, Dale and I had a deeply meaningful conversation about soup. We were discussing cooking with Campbell's Cream of ______ soups. I was talking about eating the soups, and Dale said he didn't think that people actually eat Cream of _____ soup. I said I didn't think that Campbell soup made soups just for cooking with. But then Dale pointed out that if Campbell's intended us to eat it, they would've called it Creamy Mushroom/Celery/Chicken soup, not Cream OF _____ soup. I had to concede his point.
This is the point at which we would normally consult the iPhone, but since we were already in bed, that was put off for later.


Anonymous said...

Oooh. How yukky to think of actually eating any of the cream of_______soups! When I was in 8th grade homemaking class, they spent a lot of time teaching us to make a perfect white sauce. This perfect sauce was to be used as the basis of lots of recipes. No one has homemaking classes any more, and no one wants to spend time making this special sauce. Ta Da! Campbell's has found a great niche market: Cream of _____soup!

God bless them!

qlluevacafe said...

Posts like these remind me why I love you and Dale so much, ha.

Erin Brown said...

I used to eat cream of chicken and mushroom soup on a regular basis. But then they changed the recipe and it was gross and I was angry. And then I stopped eating meat. Oh well.

By the by, this post proves that you guys are completely fabulous.

Elaine said...

This Dale posting under Elaine's account. I actually ate some of cream of mushroom soup. It was some off-brand (not Campbell's). I was rather underwhelmed.

Kat Kam said...

I used to eat the canned cream of mushroom soup until we learned how to make homemade using different kinds of fresh mushrooms and that perfect white sauce with a touch of chicken stock or base put in for added flavor. It's actually very easy and fast to make! Now the other stuff only gets used for Thanksgiving green bean casserole and some other dish that escapes my memory at the moment!