Thursday, November 8, 2007

Duchess, Wild Cat or Lap Kitty?

Duchess had her last set of shots this week. She weighed in at a whopping 4.7 pounds! It appears that in addition to the world's fattest cat, Dale and I now have the world's smallest cat. (Which we're ok with. She's so cute!) Anyway, the vet asked if her personality was as sweet as she is beautiful and I had to laugh. Images of Duchess looking me in the eye and jumping up on the counter flashed through my mind. I told the vet she was incredibly aggressive about food, and the vet treated me to her theory about cats. She asked if Duchess were a stray, which she wasn't, but apparently her mother was. The vet believes that the closer a cat is to stray life, the more aggressive its survival skills are. And it's true that Duchess is quite the little huntress. Maybe we should've named her Diana... But back to the point. Which is that the longer a cat's line has been domesticated (think of Persians here), the less their survival hunting and food aggression skills are. Which I guess means that poor old fat Pip is also very close to being a stray. Hmm, maybe I'll just go feed Pip a little more...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mama cat can rarely be seen eating at all. That is odd. The boys like to eat but share well together. Maybe Pip told her something...